12 Monkeys Filming Locations TAB VERSION

12 Monkeys was filmed around Toronto Canada, including Cinespace Studios, except for the pilot filmed in Detroit. Additional location filming occurred in the Dominican Republic and Macedonia in 2014 (Season 1), Budapest, Hungary in 2015 (Season 2), and Prague Czech Republic in 2017 (Season 3 & 4).

For a more extensive and detailed list see the 12 Monkeys locations list or if you’re super keen, the original Google sheet.

D’oh! GOOGLE MAPS made a change today 11 June which broke this page – can’t see the maps below? Try REFRESHING on the tab that isn’t displaying. Or view the Canada map here, or the Europe map here

Canada & Detroit


Tips on navigation:

To see the filming locations up close, zoom the google map to maximum, then click on the location you want to see. Depending on your platform you will get a closeup birds eye view, or a 3D view, and can rotate the map and any other features you would normally have in GoogleMaps.

You can drag the StreetView icon to the nearest street to see the location from street level as well. In some cases you can even ‘look inside‘ if there is a blue marker in streetview. (If switch into real Google Maps and you can even go back in time – handy for locations that have been demolished!).

To see more of the map you can minimise the locations panel, as well as close the location detail popover if it is covering the building you want to see.

These filming location details were collated through original research by Reddit users llamazing and wanderingnettle.

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